Third-Party Security Posture Management
Third-party security posture management (or 3SPM) is a better way to think about third-party cybersecurity risk.
The Fundamental Pillars to 3SPM
Fully automated daily tests, rather than point-in-time sampled information via labor intensive audits or questionnaires.
Third-parties should be able to consent to be helped rather than being forced to be audited.
Data quality matters. 3SPM requires security teams to gain access to data based on relevance, not convenience, and from the source, not guesses or self-reporting.
The Difference in Process and Results
Traditional Third Party Cyber Risk Management
Focused on Pre-Contract Relationships
TPCRM typically is built around qualifying third-parties before the contract, leaving the other 364 days as a visibility gap.
Rely on security scores for initial perspective
External security scoring services provide a limited understanding of third-party security posture.
Send questionnaires for point-in-time data
Spreadsheet (or SaaS) based questionnaires provide first-parties with compliance data from a specific period of time.
Expect breach, point fingers
Leverage cyberinsurance to help mitigate financial damages brought on by cybersecurity risk.
Result: Risks Accepted
Accepting risks and looking for ways to mitigate the financial damages of a breach should it occur.
Third-Party Security Posture Management
Involved in the entire lifecycle
Continuously monitor and enforce policies across the entire span of a first:third-party relationship.
Get real internal and external visibility
Get security data directly from the source and from an inside-out point of view.
Maintain continuous accountability
Enforce security policies and hold third-parties to a higher standard of compliance, hygiene, and remediation.
Collaborate with third-parties for easy remediation
Easily work with third-parties and make risk reduction a shared responsibility that pushes both sides forward.
Result: Risk Reduced
See actual measurable security improvements that help maintain the first:third-party relationship far longer.
Download 3SPM Datasheet
Want to learn more about third-party security posture management? Get our datasheet and learn more about 3SPM and why it's the future of Third-Party Cyber Risk Management!

Set the new standard for third-party cyber risk management.
Third and Nth-parties and external vendors expand your attack surface and introduce uncontrollable risks to your security posture. Zanshin is the only solution that systematically reduces and manages Third and Nth-party risk.