Systematically Reduce Your Third-Party Cyber Risk
Third/nth-parties and external vendors expand your attack surface and introduce uncontrollable risks to your security posture. Zanshin is the only solution that systematically reduces third and nth-party risk.

Current solutions offer little to no tangible reductions to actual risk
It’s a scary time to trust third-party vendors. It’s difficult to hold third-parties accountable to good security practices, processes, and posture and current solutions do not give enough insight for teams to do so.
Continuous monitoring (daily outside-in and inside-out testing) allows first-parties to enforce a secure posture year round, rather than trusting point-in-time audits.
Proactive collaboration between first and third-parties allow for an aligned goal of reaching a more secure supply chain.
Real visibility and wide coverage (endpoints, IAM, PaaS, etc) is how a first-party can truly understand the risk they adopt when working with a third-party.
Third-parties actually enjoy working with Tenchi, allowing for immediate and proactive cooperation with their first-parties
Non-intrusive Access and Data Masking: Zanshin only reports back security results so that first-parties are not liable for private third-party data.
Third-Parties Love Tenchi: Our Risk Remediation team works directly with third-parties to remediate vulnerabilities.
First-Party Investment: Because of Zanshin’s unique licensing model, third parties are able to “opt in” to a first-party investing in improving their security posture.

Get real and continuous visibility into third-party security posture
Move past questionnaires and compliance for third-party cyber risk management. Actually measure and manage the security posture of critical third-parties with full buy-in from both sides.



Set the new standard for third-party cyber risk management.
Third and Nth-parties and external vendors expand your attack surface and introduce uncontrollable risks to your security posture. Zanshin is the only solution that systematically reduces and manages Third and Nth-party risk.